showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior  Superior Software1988First the Black Plague, now this.

Drax, the evil sorcerer, is holding Princess Mariana captive in his dark and dismal dungeon. And he’ll only release her to the warrior who can defeat his barbarian guards in deadly sword combat.

Somebody gets the girl.

While Drax looks on you’ll fight one-on-one against a string of his ruthless slaves—clashing swords in the forgotten dungeon, Drax’s throne room, the molten lava bed and in the dark, enchanted forest.

As Gorth the hero-warrior, you’ll need to sharpen your sword skills—using powerful combination moves to cut down your opponents. If you fail, the court gremlin will throw you on the heap with the rest of the warriors. And then what will become of lovely Princess Mariana..?

Clash with brawny barbarians in head-to-head sword combat. Only the best will take on Drax himself.

Defeat your foes in the throne room, dungeon, lava bed or dark forest.

Collect "trophies" using the hair-raising "web of death" chop.

Cinematic graphics and metal-on-metal sound effects.

Two-player practice option. Joystick controls.
Barbarian II: The Dungeon of Drax  Superior Software (Dylan Games)1989Dissapointing sequel to Barbarian. labelimageminimize